Grammar: Knitting Together Sentences

This page looks at how you build together sentences using “binding” words.

Og = And
Hun dro til Tromsø, og der fikk hun jobb = She went to Tromsø, and she got a job

Men = But
Han liker seg in Oslo, men han har ikke jobb = He likes to be in Oslo, but he has no job

Så = So
Hun føler seg syk, hun vil hjem = She feels sick, so she wants to go home

For = For
Hun vil hjem, for hun føler seg syk = She wants to go home, for she feels sick

Fordi = Because
De flyttet fordi de ikke fikk jobb = They moved because they get not a job

Derfor = Therefore
Han fryser derfor vil han gå på kafe = He is freezing therefore he will go to the cafe

Som = That/Who/Whom
De kjøpte en bil som ikke vil starte = They purhcased a car that will not start
De har en venn som liker oss = They have a friend who likes us
Han har en leilighet som ligger i femte etasje = He has a flat that is on the 5th floor

Om = If
De spør om dere aldri har lekser = They asked if they never had homework

At = That
Hun sier at hun kommer = She said that she comes

Hvis = If
Hvis du vil, kan du bo hos oss = If you want, you can live with us

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